Ramadan collectively sponsored an amazing iftar, in Newark NJ

Compassion Action Foundation on April 1st 2024 Ramadan collectively sponsored an amazing iftar, in Newark NJ. The collaboration included the following, Newark’s Mayor Ras J. Baraka, Deputy Mayor Ligia Defreitas, Council Member at Large Louise
Scott-Roundtree, The Newark Interfaith Alliance, Imams Council of Newark, Turkish Cultural Center New Jersey, Peace Island Institute and Compassion Action Foundation.

The iftar a clear picture of the diversity of the Islamic community. A collective prayer starting with the beautiful call, as people young and old gathered in line. A delightful meal was served. In the background engaging chatter and children’s laughter, a pleasant sound covered the banquet hall.

We are pleased to have been part of such a collaboration and look forward to more in the future. If you are one of the attendees, we thank you for joining us. If you didn’t have the opportunity to attend we look forward to your presence at the next opportunity. Keep in touch and visit us at our web page,